
Investing in Financial Assets Using AI

Exam Questions: 40
Course Level: Basic
Pages: 348 | Content: 288, Supplemental: 30
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Not Acceptable for: Enrolled Agents
Version: 8380

This course will help you learn how to utilize the emerging technology of AI to build wealth in stocks, bonds, commodities, and real estate. It will introduce you to AI-specific tactics to improve efficiency, mitigate risk, and level up your portfolio's performance. You'll also find analysis of the top AI stocks to watch, learn how to avoid common pitfalls in AI investing, and understand the benefits and drawbacks of AI investing. PLEASE NOTE: Not accepted for Enrolled Agents. All course material provided. No prerequisites. Course level: Basic.

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Course Information

Table of Contents
  • Artificial Intelligence 101
  • A Primer on ChatGPT
  • Spanning the AI Landscape: Different Inputs and Outputs
  • Large-Cap AI Stocks
  • Small-Cap AI Stocks and IPOs
  • Diversifying with ETFs and Mutual Funds
  • Robo-Advisors
  • Fundamental and Technical Analysis
  • Hard Assets and Commodities
  • Bonds, Bank Investments, and Digital Currencies
  • Real Estate Investing
  • Business and Career Ventures
  • Using AI for Economic Analysis
  • Financial Planning and Other Money Matters
  • Retirement and Estate Planning
  • Tax Considerations
  • To recall examples of various types of AIs
  • To recall specific benefits or services that ChatGPT can provide to investors
  • To recognize the most well-known chatbot
  • To identify the various levels of market capitalization
  • To recall the characteristics of small-cap stocks
  • To recall the primary difference between ETFs and mutual funds
  • To identify the characteristics and features of robo-advisors
  • To identify the top consideration in the world of fundamental analysis
  • To recall the risks associated with investing in commodities
  • To recall the highest potential bond rating
  • To identify the advantages of direct real estate investing
  • To recall the characteristics of 401(k) plans
  • To recall the various methods used to calculate Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • To recognize the stages of the financial planning process
  • To recall the characteristics of estate planning and probate
  • To identify how the wash-sale rule works

PLEASE NOTE: CPE credit measurement is based on NASBA Registry and QAS guidelines of one credit for every 50 minutes. Credit calculation may vary in different states — check with your State Board of Accountancy. Unless otherwise noted in the specific course description, no advanced preparation is required in order to register or complete any PES CPE course. Use of materials or services provided by Professional Education Services, LP ("PES") are governed by the Terms and Conditions stated on PES' website www.mypescpe.com. PES provides these courses with the understanding that it is not providing any accounting, legal, or other professional advice and assumes no liability whatsoever in connection with its use. PES has used diligent efforts to provide quality information and material to its customers, but does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or currency of the information contained herein. Ultimately, the responsibility to comply with applicable legal requirements falls solely upon the individual licensee, not PES. PES encourages you to contact your state Board for the latest information and to confirm or clarify any questions or concerns you have regarding your duties or obligations as a licensed professional.